What is your Spiritual Vibration?
How do we know what level we are vibrating at?
How can we raise it?
Discover this and more when you take our short quiz
It takes just 2 minutes to answer the questions.
Receive your score and tailored report, explaining what it means.
Take The Quiz Now
Take this quiz to discover your Spiritual Vibration Score. Think of it as a mini energy test to help determine your spiritual strength.
After taking this test, you will know how your spiritual energy is connected to others and what level of vibration you have.

Dr Lisa Turner
Hi there! I’m Dr. Lisa Turner.
I’m the founder of CETfreedom, a renowned organisation that specialises in spiritual and consciousness awakening. I have a PhD in Mathematical Modelling and applies scientific principles to understand consciousness, emotions and healing, helping individuals achieve greater success with ease.
I believe we are at a conscious tipping point in the evolution of our species.
We need Conscious individuals to help guide us through this turbulent time. however all to often people awaken spiritually only to withdraw from the world. I believe in a world where Conscious individuals no longer withdraw from the world because it doesn’t work for THEM, but start CHANGING the world to create one that works for the highest good of ALL
Raising your spiritual vibration is a way to help you gain the inners strength and resources to make a better life for your and create a better world for all.
I believe that everyone can and deserves to be free from pain and trauma from the past, and that it should and can be quick and comfortable. I developed Conscious Emotional Transformation (CET), a psycho-spiritual methodology for releasing painful emotions, after being kept as a house prisoner for 5 years in my teens by a paedophile. I escaped, but had PTSD, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder and deep feelings of worthlessness and depression that affected every waking moment of my life. I tried every therapy out there from the wild and woo-woo to the highly academic. Through research and plenty of trial and error, I found what works and, more importantly, WHY it works.
I’m a 5 times bestselling author and my book “I Loved A Paedophile” tells my story and how I recovered from the trauma.
The vision at CETfreedom is a world CET free from emotional suffering and experiencing higher consciousness to navigate our conscious tipping point.